Saturday, October 23, 2010

House of Horror Anthology Raises Money for Children's Charity

HOUSE OF HORROR Announces £1 from Every Book Sale Goes to Children's Charity Fund.

The House of Horror Best of 2010 Anthology is now available for pre-order!! Woohoo. It is  £11.99 with free shipping from -- just go to the Book Shop.  £1 from every book sale goes to the HOH Children's Charity Fund. Please remember to type the name of your favorite contributor (hopefully that's me!) into the BUYERS INSTRUCTIONS section on the order and that writer, artist or interviewee will receive a small royalty as well. The book will be ready in 2 weeks time and sent straight out to those who have ordered them.

The lyrics to my popular Halloween song "Rattle Them Bones" are included in the Poetry section!

Here's a complete listing of the Table of Contents -- 257 pages chock full of some of the finest contemporary horror writing availabe today!:



The Rock Garden, Stacey Boli
Blind Date, John F. Taylor
My Sweet Prince, Nandy Ekle
Rope, Gayle Arrowood
Lunch Date, R. A. Hunter
Dark Water, George Wise
Route Cobra, Jason Duke
Leech, Travis Gate
The Victim, Jason D. Brawn
Mike Patterson, Murderer, Jokeen Krupyer
Cactus Face, Joseph Hill
A Little Bit of Heaven, Aaron J. French
Presence, Charlotte E. Gledson
Death Comes in Pieces, Shells Walter
There's a Light, A. E. Churchyard
Family Legacy, John Arthur Miller
A New Day,Alva J. Roberts
Pocket Giant, Gary McKenzie
Grandpa Jack O' Lantern, Ken L. Jones
Price to Sell, Kevin L. Jones
Phases, J. Derris Ward
Incarnation, E. W. Bonadio
The Disappearers,  Jeffrey B. Burton
Bad Teeth, Marc Lyth
Mayonnaise, The Real Story, Neil E. Leckman
Darkness Within, Ash Krafton
Getting Home, David Bernstein
Dinner is on the Table, Chris Dean
Theatre of Pain, Lee Pletzers
Suffering Begins in the Mouth and Ends in the Belly, Alan Spencer

Bloody Cup, Kim Talafuse
Elsie's Friend, Sharon M. White
Dies Irae, Sharla Anderson
Fur to Suit, Rhonda Parrish
My Final Masterpiece, Richard H. Fay
Serial, Stephen D. Nadaud II
Raggedy Hag, William Andre
The First Cut, Doree Weller
Blood Bound, Graylin Fox
Rattle Them Bones, Roxanne Hoffman
Night of the Demons, Stephanie Smith

Darren James
Nick Rose
Sandy Swagger
Bret Jordan
A.W. Gifford
Gary Mclusky

Writing for Yourself, Shells Walter
Learning from the Best, A.E. Churchyard
Imagination, Simon Marshall-Jones

Alan Spencer
Shane McKenzie
Lori Titus
David Dunwoody
Eric S. Brown
Jerrod Brown
Kevin Wallis
Suza Kates
Tonia Brown

Book Reviews
Inside the Perimeter
Unbound and Other Tales
Whispers of a Witch
Lucky Stiff

The Occult Files of Albert Taylor

Sam Cox, Editor in Chief
Charlotte Gledson, Poetry Submissions Editor
Nandy Ekle, Copy Editor
AJ Brown, Proof Editor
House of Horror

Thursday, October 21, 2010

November Edition of SKIVE Magazine celebrates Americana

Nov. 2010
On Sale (at
1 Nov. 2010
And if you are wondering why I am mentioning this ...

I just received word from Editor Matthew Ward that my poem "Once Was A Banker" will appear in the November 2010 "Americana" issue.  Skive Magazine has published 506 Authors published since 2003! Check out the roster of past contributors at  and those knock-'em-dead covers.

And if you are wondering what that magazine name is all about I found this information on contributor Scott Taylor's All Night Diner blogspot:

skive: verb, infinitive to skive, third person singular skives, simple past skived

To avoid one's assigned work or duty. To slack off.

Scott's story "Club for Exceptional Gentlemen"  appeared the August 2010 "Vampire$, we're all cashing in on Twilight" issue. Friend, Daniel de Culla, has poetry in the same issue.   Here are the comments posted on LULU for this past issue:

"Amazing. The stories are chilling, beautiful, haunting and vivid. The poetry is stellar. And the issue itself is aesthetically appealing with a great montage on the back cover. I've been very pleased with my copy and look forward to the next." -- KAKEITH
"An excellent read! Skive just seems to get better. " -- ANDREW SCOBIE

Aug. 2010
And you know how much I love vampires so I've just ordered my copy and am very much looking forward to receiving both issues.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Another work accepted by HOUSE OF HORROR!

[Photo Credit: Madeline Artenberg]

I just got the good news from Sam Cox, Editor of HOUSE OF HORROR, that the lyrics to my popular Halloween song "Rattle Them Bones!" will be published in the magazine's special Halloween edition due out October 31, 2010.

In the meantime, please visit their website at  and check out Issue #16 featuring reviews of Desiree by Ken Goldman, The Horror Zine Volume Two: Twice the Terror and The Occult Files of Albert Taylor by Derek Muk also an Interview with author of Lucky Stiff, Tonia Brown.

If you can spare a few pounds/dollars, I urge you to grab one of their anthologies to help raise money for their childrens charity. They are all inclusive of shipping and if you mention a contributor's name for Frightening Fables, Stitched Up or A Pint of Bloody Fiction, on your paypal order then they will receive a royalty payment.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Update from David Morneau on the Love Songs Project

Will Shakespeare

Hi everyone,

I'm writing to give you a quick update on Love Songs Project. Things are beginning to move quickly now, and I'm excited about how it's going.

First of all, the first track is almost finished. You can hear it here:  It features Patricia Carragon's "The Corneal Gates" and Sonnet no. 56. The performance is by soprano Mary Hubbell. She's great and will be recording one more song for me, as well as performing more songs too.

Second, as I mentioned before, I've been honored to be the composer-in-residence for Alphabet Soup Productions this season. I will be presenting 2-3 songs on each of their concerts so that by the end of the season all 11 songs will have received a performance. The first concert is on Wednesday, December 8, at the Tank. I'll send more details as it gets closer. For that concert, I will be presenting "Behind Corneal Gates" (on Patricia Carragon's "The Corneal Gates" and Sonnet no.56), "Music In Me" (on Susan Maurer's "Music" and Sonnet no.8) and "Now I Love You Best" (on Roxanne Hoffman's "Many Have Asked How We Stay Together" and Sonnet no.115)

Finally, I want to again encourage you to promote and share this project with you friends and fans. Together we can make this a big success for all involved. Several of you have been so kind as to make a financial contribution, which is most welcome. However, there is still a long way to go. Please take a moment to forward the project site to your lists and ask them to consider supporting our work as well.

Thanks so much,
David Morneau